We strive to be visible and trusted partners to the broader SPU community by serving the campus beyond our offices, and being appropriately engaged in all dimensions of university life. SCHW outreach can include advising student groups, 上餐盘, and speaking at presentations on issues of importance to the community. 当危机发生时, we meet with affected community members to provide support and group facilitation. 外展 and discussions are tailored to the individual interests of the group and often focus on a particular mental health and wellness related topic, 预防策略, 或者可用资源. Please note that we need at least three weeks advance notice to schedule outreach programming.

Examples of outreach services we frequently provide include:

  • Wellness, Prevention, 外展 Presentations*
  • Resource tables at campus events
  • Liaisons to campus organizations and departments
  • 担任讨论小组成员
  • Support services at campus events
  • Interviews for student projects on student wellness and mental health topics
  • Debriefing with groups impacted by tragic or 创伤tic experiences (e.g.(一名学生的死亡)

*SCHW staff can provide presentations on a wide variety of topics that are designed to support our students. 这些包括, but are not limited to: overview of SCHW services, 自我保健, 情绪健康, healthy 的关系 and boundaries, 应对焦虑, 压力管理, and supporting a student in distress.


部分原因是:压力, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 的关系, 悲伤, struggles with spiritual issues, struggles with academic issues, 愤怒, 自杀的念头, alcohol and other drug abuse, 自尊, 家庭问题, 外形等问题, 对食物的关注, 饮食失调, 上瘾, 创伤, 暴力, 身份问题……

Services are available only to currently enrolled SPU undergraduates and are 免费.

Yes — though sometimes we will see a student on an emergency basis without an appointment as soon as a counselor is available.

During the academic school year, students may now self-schedule their initial consultation appointment via the 病人门户. If you are in need of more urgent mental health support during our clinic hours (weekdays 9am-4:30pm) you may also call the front desk at (206) 281-2657 x0 to schedule a same-day appointment.

If you are interested in one of our other clinical services like nutritional, 的关系, 或者团体咨询, you can fill out a Counseling Appointment Request Form via the 病人门户.

在夏天, you can fill out a Counseling Appointment Request Form via the 病人门户 and the administrative staff will reach out within 3 business days to get scheduled.

这是服务开始的地方, where an SCC counselor will discuss your concerns and review areas of your life. You might then participate in one-on-one counseling at the SCC, be referred to one of our SCC groups, be placed on the SCC waiting list, or referred to community services.

If you are interested in one of our other clinical services like nutritional, 的关系, 或者团体咨询, you can fill out a Counseling Appointment Request Form via the 病人门户.

Sessions are typically 50 minutes. Students typically have between one and six sessions per academic year.

You’ll want to see an academic counselor in 学生学术服务 for questions about drop/add, curricular choices, and other scheduling or registration issues. And you’ll find academic support at the 学习中心.

A number of students are taking medication and see nurse practitioners at SPU’s 卫生服务. We can collaborate with health care providers on campus or off.

Consistent with our ethical standards and state law, we release no client information without your written consent. That means we will not tell anyone — including friends, 父母, or professors — that you are involved in therapy, or the content of your session.

Several exceptions are required by law. 在这种状态下, we are required to break confidentiality if we believe a client is at high risk for suicide or if we hear a direct, specific homicidal threat from a client to another person. We must also report abuse or neglect of a child, 依赖成人, or developmentally disabled person if we believe such an incident has occurred.

If you cancel or don’t show up for an appointment, you’ll hear from a counselor by voicemail or email. You’ll then need to contact the counselor within one week or the case will be closed. If you cancel or don’t show for the second scheduled counseling assessment, your case will be closed.

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